performance activities
chamber music performances e.g. at MIM Leipzig, Händelhaus Halle, International Young Artist's Presentation Antwerp, Leipziger Jüdische Tage
performances with various Ensembles and Orchestras in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, France,
Austria, Poland, Hungary and Italy among others for MDR Music Summer, Leipzig Bach Festival, the Regensburg Festival of Ancient Music, IYAP - Antwerp, Wittenberg Renaissance Festival, Centropalia Festival, at BOZAR
CD- and Radio-productions for BR, MDR, Hyperion, and BIS; performance
choir singing (alto)
since the age of 12 performances with modern symphonie orchestras such as Deutsch-Polnisches-Kammerorchester, Landesjugendsinfonieorchester Brandenburg, Junge Sinfonie Berlin, Mendelssohn-Kammerorchester, Jeune Orchestre Atlantique
teaching activities
since 2014 Leipzig, Erfurt, Bitterfeld , Moritzburg & Lausitz
Musikakademie Kloster Michaelstein: choral direction C1
2019 Stanley Ritchie (Brunico)
2017 Stanley Ritchie (Brunico)
2016 Stanley Ritchie (Brunico)
2015 Stanley Ritchie (Michaelstein)
2014 Stanley Ritchie (Brunico)
2013 Stanley Ritchie (Brunico)
2011 Stanley Ritchie (Kloster Michaelstein)
2011 Christine Busch (Collegium Vocale Gent)
2010 Bogenbau Bruno Sporqu (SIMAW, Namur)
2009 Amandine Beyer (Académie de musique baroque, Barbaste)
2008 Mira Glodeanu (SIMAW, Namur)
2007 Hélène Houzel (Académie de musique baroque, Amilly)